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Associations and Biofilms
Biofilm Formation | Whiteley Medical
Biofilm Explained in 7 Minutes
Unraveling Bacterial Biofilm Development | University Place
Webinar – Biofilms - A Sticky Problem with Dr. Lori L. Burrows.
Dr. Bill Costerton - The "Father" of Biofilms
Biofilms and Their Role in Infection Transmission
Unseen Enemy: Biofilms & Their Role in Persistent Bacterial Infections
Unravelling Biofilms - An outreach project supported by the Microbiology Society
Dr. A Explains - Biofilms | History, Threats, and Treatment
Why Am I Still Sick? The Silent Role of Biofilms in Chronic Disease (Full Movie)
Bacterial Biofilms with Dr. Paul Anderson: Rational Wellness Podcast 210